Son irregulares los verbos que no forman el pasado simple y participio añadiendo "-ed" a la forma básica.
- Principales verbos irregulares (clasificados en grupos A, B y C)
- Principales verbos irregulares (sin clasificar)
- Grupos principales de verbos irregulares (grupos A, B y C)
- Grupo A (son iguales la forma básica del verbo, el pasado simple y el participio pasado)
Traducción Forma básica del verbo Pasado simple Participio pasado
apostar bet bet bet
I bet on the wrong horse = aposté por el caballo que no debía
pujar bid bid bid
The highest bid = La mejor oferta o puja
radiar broadcast broadcast broadcast
A live broadcast to spread hope = Un directo para difundir la esperanza
reventar burst burst burst
The door burst open = La puerta se abrió de golpe
arrojar cast cast cast
He cast the net over a large area = Lanzó la red sobre un área extensa
costar cost cost cost
This book cost ten dollars = Este libro cuesta diez dólares
cortar cut cut cut
to cut one´s finger = cortarse el dedo
golpear hit hit hit
to hit one´s head against a wall = dar con la cabeza contra una pared
herir hurt hurt hurt
How did you hurt your finger? = ¿Como te has hecho daño en el dedo?
hacer punto knit knit knit
She can knit up a sweater in a couple days = Puede hacer un jersey en un par de días
permitir let let let
let me help you = déjeme ayudarle
poner put put put
put it in the drawer = ponlo en el cajón
leer read read read
can you read Russian? = ¿sabes leer en ruso?
poner(se) set set set
set the chairs by the window = pon las sillas junto a la ventana
cerrar shut shut shut
shut the door please = cierra la puerta por favor
Hender, partir, rajar split split split
the sea had split the ship in two = el mar había partido el barco en dos
Extender spread spread spread
to spread one´s wings = desplegar las alas
sudar sweat sweat sweat
they will lose everything they have sweated for = van a perder todo lo que tanto
sudor les ha costado conseguir
introducir thrust thrust thrust
he thrust a book into my hands = me metió un libro entre las manos
mojar wet wet wet
he´s wet his trousers = se ha meado en los pantalones
- Grupo B (tienen la misma forma el pasado simple y el participio pasado)
Traducción Forma básica del verbo Pasado simple Participio pasado
doblar bend bent bent
don´t bend the sound card = no doble la tarjeta de sonido
atar, encuadernar bind bound bound
they bound the prisioners hands with rope = ataron las manos de los prisioneros con
una cuerda
sangrar bleed bled bled
his nose is bleeding = le sangra la nariz
criar breed bred bred
we breed them for hunting = los criamos para la caza
traer, llevar bring brought brought
bring it over here = tráelo para acá
edificar build built built
a house built into the hillside = una casa construida en la ladera
quemar burn burnt/burned burnt/burned
to be burned alive = ser quemado vivo
comprar buy bought bought
he bought me a bracelet = me compró una pulsera
coger catch caught caught
catch! = ¡cógelo!, ¡toma!
agarrarse cling clung clung
the smell clung to her clothes = la ropa se quedó impregnada del olor
arrastrarse, ir muy despacio creep crept crept
to creep along (traffic) = avanzar a paso de tortuga
dar, repartir deal dealt dealt
I was dealt a very bad hand (cards) = me dieron una mano malísima
cavar dig dug dug
to dig for gold = excavar en busca de oro
tirarse, zambullirse dive dived, dove(US) dived
the kids were diving for coins = los niños se tiraban al agua para recoger monedas
soñar dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed
I dreamed a strange dream = tuve un sueño extraño
alimentar feed fed fed
they fed us well at the hotel = nos dieron de comer bien en el hotel
sentir feel felt felt
she felt a hand on her shoulder = sintió una mano en el hombro
luchar fight fought fought
to fight a battle = librar una batalla
encontrar find found found
I found a pound coin in the street = me encontré una moneda de una libra en la calle
huir flee fled fled
to flee the country = huir del país
moler, machacar grind ground ground
to grind one´s teeth = rechinar los dientes
colgar hang hung hung
he hung the rope over the side of the boat = colgó la cuerda de la borda del barco
haber, tener, tomar have had had
he has got (or he has) blue eyes = tiene los ojos azules
what are we having for lunch? = ¿que vamos a comer?
oir hear heard heard
can you hear me? = ¿me oyes?
agarrar, celebrar hold held held
he was holding a little mouse in his hand = tenía un ratoncillo en la mano
conservar, guardar keep kept kept
you must keep the receipt = debe guardar el recibo
arrodillarse kneel knelt knelt
to kneel to = hincar la rodilla ante
poner, colocar lay laid laid
it lays its eggs on/in ... = deposita los huevos en ...
conducir lead led led
kindly lead me to him = haga el favor de conducirme a su presencia
apoyarse lean leant leant
to lean a bicycle against a wall = apoyar una bicicleta contra una pared
brincar leap leapt leapt
he leapt down from his horse = se bajó del caballo de un salto
aprender learn learnt/learned learnt/learned
you can learn a lot by listening and thinking = se puede aprender mucho escuchando y
dejar, irse, salir leave left left
the car left the road = el coche se salió de la carretera
prestar lend lent lent
lend me your pen = déjame tu boli
encender light lit lit
I will light the petrol to set off the fire = encenderé la gasolina para hacer el fuego
perder lose lost lost
you´ve got nothing to lose = no tienes nada que perder
hacer, fabricar make made made
I´m going to make a cake = voy a hacer un pastel
significar, querer decir mean meant meant
what does this word mean? = ¿que significa (quiere decir) esta palabra?
encontrarse, conocer meet met met
he met his death (his end) in 1800 = halló (encontró) la muerte en 1800
pagar pay paid paid
how much is there to pay? = ¿cuánto hay que pagar?
decir say said said
what did you say? = ¿que dijiste?
buscar seek sought sought
he has been sought in many countries = se le ha buscado en muchos paises
vender sell sold sold
do you sell flowers? = ¿vende flores?
enviar send sent sent
please send me further details = ruego me mande (me envíe) mas detalles
brillar shine shone shone
the metal shone in the sun = el metal relucía al sol
disparar shoot shot shot
she shot her husband = pegó un tiro a su marido
sentarse sit sat sat
sit by me = siéntate a mi lado (siéntate conmigo)
dormir sleep slept slept
I couldn´t sleep last night = anoche no pude dormir
resbalar slide slid slid
the drawer slides in and out easily = el cajón se abre y se cierra suavemente
oler smell smelt smelt
I could smell cigarettes on his breath = el aliento le olía a tabaco
acelerar speed sped sped
he sped down the street = corrió a toda prisa por la calle
deletrear spell spelt spelt
can you spell that please? = ¿me lo deletrea, por favor?
gastar spend spent spent
she spends too much money on clothes = gasta demasiado dinero en ropa
derramar spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled
you´ve spilt/spilled coffee on your shirt = te ha caido café en la camisa
girar, dar vueltas spin spun spun
my head is spinning = me da vueltas la cabeza
escupir spit spat spat
he spat the words = escupió las palabras
estropear spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled
it spoiled our holiday = nos estropeó las vacaciones
estar en pie stand stood stood
the house is still standing = la casa sigue en pie
pegar, engomar stick stuck stuck
he was sticking stamps into his album
picar sting stung stung
my eyes sting = me pican los ojos
golpear strike struck struck
never strike a woman = no pegar nunca a una mujer
barrer sweep swept swept
the floor had been swept clean = el suelo estaba limpio porque lo habían barrido
columpiarse, balancearse swing swung swung
it swings in the wind = se balancea al viento
enseñar teach taught taught
he teaches primary-school children = es maestro (da clases) de escuela primaria
decir, contar tell told told
I am pleased to tell you that ... = me complace comunicarle que ...
pensar, reflexionar think thought thought
give me time to think = dame tiempo para reflexionar
entender understand understood understood
I can´t understand your writing = no entiendo tu letra
llorar weep wept wept
to weep for joy = llorar de alegría
Ganar win won won
our team won = nuestro equipo ganó
Enrollar wind wound wound
the rope wound itself round a branch = la cuerda se enrolló alrededor de una rama
torcer wring wrung wrung
I´ll wring your neck for that! = ¡te voy a retorcer el pescuezo!
- Grupo C (tienen diferentes formas la forma básica del verbo, el pasado simple y el participio pasado)
Traducción Forma básica del verbo Pasado simple Participio pasado
surgir, levantarse arise arose arisen
should the occasion arise = si se presenta la ocasión
despertarse awake awoke awoken
I awoke from a deep sleep = desperté de un sueño profundo
ser, estar be was, were been
the sky is blue = el cielo es azul
soportar, dar a luz (child) bear bore borne/born
I can´t bear the suspense = no puedo soportar el suspense
golpear beat beat beaten
he beat his fists on the table = dio golpes con los puños en la mesa
llegar a ser become became become
to become famous = hacerse famoso
empezar begin began begun
it´s beginning to rain = está empezando a llover
morder bite bit bitten
it won´t bite (you)! = ¡no te va a morder!, ¡no muerde!
soplar blow blew blown
to blow smoke rings = hacer anillos o aros de humo
romper break broke broken
to break one´s back = romperse la columna
hacer do (does) did done
what are you doing tonight? = ¿qué haces esta noche?
dibujar draw drew drawn
to draw a picture = hacer un dibujo
beber drink drank drunk
would you like something to drink? = ¿quieres tomar algo?
conducir drive drove driven
he drives a taxi = es taxista
comer eat ate eaten
there´s nothing to eat = no hay nada que comer
caer fall fell fallen
to fall into the river = caerse al río
volar fly flew flown
do you fly often? = ¿viajas mucho en avión?
prohibir forbid forbade forbidden
I forbid you to go = te prohíbo que vayas
olvidar forget forgot forgotten
I forgot all about it = se me olvidó por completo
perdonar forgive forgave forgiven
I forgive you = te perdono
helar freeze froze frozen
it will freeze tonight = esta noche va a caer una helada
obtener get got got/gotten(US)
we are hoping to get better results this year = esperamos obtener mejores resultados este año
dar give gave given
he gave her a dictionay for her birthday = le regaló un diccionario por su cumpleaños
ir go (goes) went gone
to go by car = voy en coche
crecer grow grew grown
that plant does not grow in England = esa planta no crece (no se da) en Inglaterra
ocultar hide hid hidden
to hide the truth = encubrir la verdad
saber, conocer know knew known
to know the differnce between... = saber la diferencia entre...
echarse lie lay lain
don´t lie on the grass = no te eches sobre el cesped
to lie one´s way out of it = salir del apuro mintiendo
equivocar mistake mistook mistaken
I mistook the turning to your house = me equivoqué al torcer para ir a tu casa
segar, cortar mow mowed mown/mowed
to mow the lawn = cortar el cesped
vencer overcome overcame overcome
her curiosity finally overcame her shyness = finalmente, su curiosidad venció su timidez
montar ride rode ridden
to ride an elephant = ir montado en un elefante
llamar ring rang rung
to ring at the door = llamar a la puerta
levantarse rise rose risen
he rose to greet us = se levantó para recibirnos
correr run ran run
to run the 100 metres = correr los 100 metros lisos
ver see saw seen
I saw him yesterday = lo vi ayer
coser sew sewed sewn/sewed
to sew a button = coser un botón
sacudir shake shook shaken
shake well before use = agítese bien anter de usar
esquilar (una oveja) shear shore shorn
one man could shear a sheep in ten minutes = un hombre puede esquilar una oveja en diez minutos
mostrar show showed shown
have I shown you my hat? = ¿te he enseñado ya mi sombrero?
encogerse shrink shrank shrunk
to shrink in the wash = encogerse al lavar
cantar sing sang sung
sing us a song! = ¡cántanos una canción!
hundir sink sank sunk
I sank my knife into the cheese = hundí el cuchillo en el queso
sembrar sow sowed sowed/sown
to sow doubt in sb´s mind (sb=alguien) = sembrar dudas en alguien
hablar speak spoke spoken
have you spoken to him? = ¿has hablado con él?
saltar spring sprang sprung
to spring aside = hacerse rápidamente a un lado
robar steal stole stolen
he stole it from school = lo robó en el colegio
apestar stink stank/stunk stunk
it stinks in here = aquí apesta
dar zancadas stride strode stridden
stride along = andar a zancadas
jurar swear swore sworn
I swear (that) I did not steal it = juro que no lo robé
hinchar swell swelled swollen
her arm swelled up = se le hinchó el brazo
nadar swim swam swum
to have a swim = darse un baño
coger take took taken
who took my beer? = ¿quién se ha llevado mi cerveza?
rasgar tear tore torn
you´ve torn your trousers = te has roto (rasgado) el pantalón
arrojar, tirar throw threw thrown
the crowd began throwing stones = la multitud empezó a tirar (arrojar) piedras
pisar, hollar tread trod trodden
careful you don´t tread on it! = ¡ojo, que lo vas a pisar!
sufrir, padecer undergo underwent undergone
undergo a change = sufrir un cambio
emprender, asumir undertake undertook undertaken
to undertake that ... = comprometerse a que ...
despertarse wake woke woken
to wake from a dream = despertar(se) de un sueño
llevar puesto, ponerse wear wore worn
can you describe what he was wearing? = ¿puede describir lo que llevaba (puesto)?
tejer, zigzaguear weave wove woven
the road weaves about a lot = el camino tiene muchas curvas
retirarse withdraw withdrew withdrawn
to withdraw to a new position = retirarse a una nueva posición
escribir write wrote written
he´s just written another novel = acaba de escribir otra novela
- Principales verbos irregulares (sin clasificar)
Traducción Forma básica del verbo Pasado simple Participio pasado
ser/estar be was/were been
golpear/ganar a beat beat beaten
llegar a ser become became become
empezar begin began begun
doblar(se) bend bent bent
apostar bet bet bet
morder bite bit bitten
sangrar bleed bled bled
soplar blow blew blown
romper break broke broken
traer bring brought brought
construir build built built
reventar, estallar burst burst burst
comprar buy bought bought
coger/atrapar catch caught caught
elegir choose chose chosen
venir come came come
costar cost cost cost
cortar cut cut cut
comerciar/tratar deal dealt dealt
cavar dig dug dug
hacer do did done
dibujar draw drew drawn
beber drink drank drunk
conducir drive drove driven
comer eat ate eaten
caer(se) fall fell fallen
alimentar feed fed fed
sentir(se) feel felt felt
luchar fight fought fought
encontrar find found found
volar fly flew flown
prohibir forbid forbade forbidden
olvidar forget forgot forgotten
perdonar forgive forgave forgiven
congelar(se) freeze froze frozen
conseguir/llegar get got got
dar give gave given
ir go went gone
crecer/cultivar grow grew grown
colgar hang hung hung
tener/haber have had had
oir hear heard heard
esconder(se) hide hid hidden
golpear, pegar hit hit hit
sujetar hold held held
herir/hacer daño hurt hurt hurt
guardar/mantener keep kept kept
saber/conocer know knew known
poner/extender lay laid laid
guiar/conducir/dirigir lead led led
dejar/irse/salir leave left left
prestar lend lent lent
permitir/dejar let let let
tumbarse/echarse lie lay lain
mentir lie lied lied
encender light lit lit
perder lose lost lost
hacer/fabricar make made made
significar/querer decir mean meant meant
conocer a/reunirse con meet met met
pagar pay paid paid
poner put put put
leer read read read
montar ride rode ridden
llamar (por teléfono) ring rang rung
elevarse, alzarse rise rose risen
correr run ran run
decir say said said
ver see saw seen
buscar seek sought sought
vender sell sold sold
enviar send sent sent
colocar set set set
coser sew sewed sewn/sewed
agitar shake shook shaken
brillar shine shone shone
disparar shoot shot shot
mostrar show showed shown
encoger(se) shirnk shrank shrunk
cerrar(se) shut shut shut
cantar sing sang sung
hundirse sink sank sunk
sentarse sit sat sat
dormir(se) sleep slept slept
hablar speak spoke spoken
gastar (dinero);pasar (tiempo) spend spent spent
partir/dividir split split split
untar/difundir(se) spread spread spread
saltar spring sprang sprung
estar de pie stand stood stood
robar steal stole stolen
pegar stick stuck stuck
picar (un insecto) sting stung stung
apestar/heder stink stank stunk
golpear strike struck struck
jurar swear swore sworn
barrer sweep swept swept
nadar swim swam swum
balancearse swing swung swung
coger, llevar take took taken
enseñar teach taught taught
tomper/desgarrar/rasgar tear tore torn
decir/contar tell told told
pensar think thought thought
arrojar/tirar throw threw thrown
comprender/entender understand understood understood
despertar(se) wake woke woken
llevar puesto/ponerse wear wore worn
ganar win won won
escribir write wrote written
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